How to Make Chocolate Fiber Bars with Bananas | Delicious Simple Recipe

Chocolate fiber bars


I've been working on these for a while now and got it basically perfected.


- 4 large bananas

- 4 tbsp coco powder

- 2 tbsp cinnamon

- One bag (half a box) of Fiber One breakfast cereal


Process the bananas and the spices in a food processor and then slowly mix in the cereal. I like to leave it a little chunky. Spread it out on a greased cookie sheet and bake it for 20 to 30 minutes on 350.

Makes 16 bars. If my math is right these have less about 65 calories a piece. Great source of fiber to start your morning! I'm going to try to make it next time with protein powder!

Cauliflower Pizza Bites Recipes | Easy, Delicious, DIY

Who among us DOESN'T get those pesky cravings for a slice (or five) of Domino's every now and then? The next time you get the pizza urge, whip up these super tasty gains-friendly alternatives.

This gets a 2 on my RE Cheat-o-Meter, which means you can basically sub it in at any meal without feeling guilty. Chow down, friends!


  • 2 cups (approx. 1 head) of grated cauliflower (use a food processor or cheese grater to grate down to rice-sized pieces)
  • 1/4 cup of egg whites
  • 1 cup of 1% cottage cheese
  • 2 tsp of parsley
  • 1 tsp of oregano
  • 1/4 tsp of garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil (optional)
  • 1-2 tbsp marinara or hot sauce (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Spray a mini muffin tin using Pam or another zero-calorie cooking spray.

3. Stir the cauliflower in a hot frying pan until it is slightly translucent (about 6-8 minutes). Then place it in a bowl to cool.

4. Throw all other ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

5. In a separate bowl, stir together the cauliflower and other ingredients under completely blended.

6. Spoon the mixture into your muffin tin. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure to press the "dough" down firmly and evenly so that it sticks together.

7. Put the tin in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes.

8. Take the pizza bites out of the oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes to cool. (If you get anxious and take them out too soon, they'll break on ya!)

9. After the bites have cooled, remove them from the tin by turning them upside down or running a knife along the sides of each muffin.

10. Dunk in a tiny bit of marinara or hot sauce for extra flavor. Enjoy!

Delicious Beef and Broccoli Recipe - Favorite Weeknight Meal

Favorite weeknight meal: Beef and broccoli!

  • 2 lbs lean ground beef
  • 1 medium onion chopped
  • 8 oz box button mushrooms
  • 3 heads of broccoli chopped or shredded
  • 2 cups low sodium beef broth
  • 4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • Sea salt
  • Pepper
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder

Brown your meat add onion and mushrooms and 1 1/2 cups of beef broth let mushrooms and broth cook down a bit and then add broccoli and seasoning add rest of broth and let everything simmer together. Serve over rice or quinoa or eat alone ..

Makes 8 servings about 1 1/2 cups

I eat it alone at night because I don't eat carbs at night but I will add quinoa that I have left over from a couple days ago for lunch tomorrow..

Easy Recipe: Sunday Funday Lunch - Stuffed Peppers

Sunday Funday Lunch: Stuffed Peppers

I couldn't eat the Nacho Platter today cause it's not on my meal plan and I'm doing The Challenge so I made this...

- 6 oz of 93% ground turkey

- Mrs. Dash spicy seasoning

- Pink Sea Salt

- 1/2 chopped onion

- 1 red pepper sliced in half and cleaned

- 1/4 Can of jalapeƱos

- Optional 3/4 cup of brown rice

How to Cook

Fill peppers with meat.

I cooked the entire packed of ground turkey and prepped it for Monday's lunch.

Baked at 350 for 25 minutes

This was amazing...

Name a Movie That Should Never Be Remade - Netizens' Choice

We nominate Fight Club. What’s yours? (Rotten Tomatoes)

Here’s what people say.

“The Shawshank Redemption.” - Carl Dodd

“Any of the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.” - Trey Johnson

“I’ll watch and I’m up for any remake. Don’t get why people are so against it... If the remake sucks or you don’t like it you can always just watch the original.” - Christopher McGuire

“Requiem for a Dream is probably my close second after Fight Club. Not cause it's my favorite or anything (it was good), but because I don't know anyone who could've done that movie better than that cast.” - Matt Marnocha

“Labirynth, Legend (the 1985 one), The Princess Bride, The Never Ending Story... all those fantasy movies from the 80s.” - Katherine Napier-Gegg

“A Clockwork Orange, leave that one alone, don't remake it, but it would be nice to see it re-released as it was in theaters.” - Mike Peltier

“The Exorcist or Jaws. (I know there's the Exorcist TV show, they did their own thing there) The Birds, I would kinda like to see that tho.” - Andrew Scott

“Fifth rule of Fight Club: There are no substitutions or adaptations of Fight Club. There is only one fight club. This fight club.” - Mike Fino

“I guess hardly anybody has mentioned Citizen Kane because it would be abject suicide to suggest that you could improve upon that movie. That film is the absolute top of the mountain of this list.” - Gregory Earls

“The Usual Suspects should never ever be remade.” - David Pardinas

“No film should be in this category, every great story should be given an update for the modern audiences. Those who don't want to get out of their little box can easily not watch the film. After all, if everyone thought no film should be remade than we wouldn't have It, The Fly, The Blob, My Bloody Valentine, Scarface, Ten Commandments, even The Wizard of Oz is a remake, so stop with this crap, if you don't want to see a remake DON'T SEE IT, but don't dey someone else a chance to see an update version. Don't be selfish” - Eric Curto

“The Sixth Sense, upon second viewing the twist isn’t the same the surprise wore off. So to try to pull off the twist again just wouldn’t be right.” - Josh Brown

“All of them. A movie shouldn't be rebooted. It stands on its own recognition. A 'remake' of Fight Club would be ridiculous.” - James R Hayden

“I agree with a lot of the movies others have already commented but, have to throw in there, The Princess Bride. Please leave that movie alone.” - Adrienne Martin-colby

“The spaghetti western trilogy with Clint Eastwood in it, that's the good,bad and the ugly,a fistful of dollars, and a few dollars more. And also Dirty Harry. Great movies” - John Johnston

“Any film that wouldn't make sense without the original director's distinct style.Such as, Stanley Kubrick, or Wes Anderson.A remake of any Wes Anderson film would be jarring.” - Jeremy Orr

“Since everything is being remade, better question is what should be remade? I would have thought Clash of the Titans would be a good choice. But totally missed the mark.” - Kevin McCray

A Private Life Is a Happy Life, True or False?

Do you believe in a private life? Do you want to have a happy life? So would you agree that a private life is a happy life? What would you say?

“If you share your blessing with the right people, everyone succeed. Is just selecting your friends 'cause once you know who loves you and wants all best for u in life not only they rejoice but they all grow and you create a team MD together you concord. Say it out loud just be more selected no need million followers” - Normalilia Kassabian

“Something's should've private. If everyone kept to themselves can you imagine how life would be. I look at in a positive way  You can learn so much from others i.e. their experience and lifestyle. It's debatable whether to keep to yourself or share it” - Nisha Habibullah

“I keep to myself and I trust no one at all. I'm moving forward with my next chapter. I talk to God and God talks back to me. I'm blessed in so many ways..” - Jaycee Echeverria

“NOT REALLY....I made my marriage seem as if it were happy....and when we were getting a divorce nobody understood relationship now is much of the same....EVERYONE THINKS we are happy....yet I'M NOT!” - Elisa Suarez

“The more you keep to yourself, the more people want to know. No one, enjoys contentment anymore. If it doesn't breed drama, conflict or chaos.. no one gives a care. Celebrating victories, seems to be left behind.” - Rhonda Mchenry

“In my experience there's just some things that big groups of people shouldn't know about. Keep your confidences to a few people.” - Cathy Sullivan

“Totally dissaggree!! Most problems in the world have evolved because of secrets, division, greed, power! A happy life is a free life, free from worry, jealousy, greed, power, etc, etc, etc!!!!!” - Martin Anthony

“Peoples wondering why I've been sad my whole life cause I've got everyone trying to butt into my private life...” - Sheenia Gray

Thomson's Gazelle, the Graceful Animals from Africa's Savannas

At dawn or at dusk, herds of Thomson's gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) move gracefully in Africa's savannas. They are easily identified by their small size and the large black stripe along the lower part of their body. Very playful, young gazelles race and jump very high. Sometimes others in the herd think that this jumping and racing is an alarm signal. The panicked gazelles then run off at top speed.

Basic Facts:

Length: 35 to 42 inches

Height: 23 to 28 inches

Weight: up to 65 pounds

Diet: grasses

Number of Young: 1

Home: Tanzania and Kenya

Thomson's gazelles are nervous and watchful. The smallest strange movement in the herd sends all the gazelles running. Even if only one member of the group starts to run around, flicking its tail, the rest flee.

They can run faster than 35 miles per hour and can outrun both lions and leopards. But the small gazelle cannot easily escape from the speedy cheetah. The gazelle tries to dodge the chasing cat by making sudden turns. But the cheetah usually wins because it can run faster than 40 miles per hour.

Thomson's gazelles graze on cut grass left behind by zebras and gnus. When the dry season comes, they also eat small fruits and seeds. During the mating season, males mark a territory and mate with all the females that cross into it. Sometimes there are fights between males, but the fights are usually not too serious.

Females can have two pregnancies each year. Females and their young assemble in herds of about 65, while young males form separate groups of about 500 animals.