Name a Movie That Should Never Be Remade - Netizens' Choice


We nominate Fight Club. What’s yours? (Rotten Tomatoes)

Here’s what people say.

“The Shawshank Redemption.” - Carl Dodd

“Any of the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.” - Trey Johnson

“I’ll watch and I’m up for any remake. Don’t get why people are so against it... If the remake sucks or you don’t like it you can always just watch the original.” - Christopher McGuire

“Requiem for a Dream is probably my close second after Fight Club. Not cause it's my favorite or anything (it was good), but because I don't know anyone who could've done that movie better than that cast.” - Matt Marnocha

“Labirynth, Legend (the 1985 one), The Princess Bride, The Never Ending Story... all those fantasy movies from the 80s.” - Katherine Napier-Gegg

“A Clockwork Orange, leave that one alone, don't remake it, but it would be nice to see it re-released as it was in theaters.” - Mike Peltier

“The Exorcist or Jaws. (I know there's the Exorcist TV show, they did their own thing there) The Birds, I would kinda like to see that tho.” - Andrew Scott

“Fifth rule of Fight Club: There are no substitutions or adaptations of Fight Club. There is only one fight club. This fight club.” - Mike Fino

“I guess hardly anybody has mentioned Citizen Kane because it would be abject suicide to suggest that you could improve upon that movie. That film is the absolute top of the mountain of this list.” - Gregory Earls

“The Usual Suspects should never ever be remade.” - David Pardinas

“No film should be in this category, every great story should be given an update for the modern audiences. Those who don't want to get out of their little box can easily not watch the film. After all, if everyone thought no film should be remade than we wouldn't have It, The Fly, The Blob, My Bloody Valentine, Scarface, Ten Commandments, even The Wizard of Oz is a remake, so stop with this crap, if you don't want to see a remake DON'T SEE IT, but don't dey someone else a chance to see an update version. Don't be selfish” - Eric Curto

“The Sixth Sense, upon second viewing the twist isn’t the same the surprise wore off. So to try to pull off the twist again just wouldn’t be right.” - Josh Brown

“All of them. A movie shouldn't be rebooted. It stands on its own recognition. A 'remake' of Fight Club would be ridiculous.” - James R Hayden

“I agree with a lot of the movies others have already commented but, have to throw in there, The Princess Bride. Please leave that movie alone.” - Adrienne Martin-colby

“The spaghetti western trilogy with Clint Eastwood in it, that's the good,bad and the ugly,a fistful of dollars, and a few dollars more. And also Dirty Harry. Great movies” - John Johnston

“Any film that wouldn't make sense without the original director's distinct style.Such as, Stanley Kubrick, or Wes Anderson.A remake of any Wes Anderson film would be jarring.” - Jeremy Orr

“Since everything is being remade, better question is what should be remade? I would have thought Clash of the Titans would be a good choice. But totally missed the mark.” - Kevin McCray
