Do you believe in a private life? Do you want to have a happy life? So would you agree that a private life is a happy life? What would you say?“If you share your blessing with the right people, everyone succeed. Is just selecting your friends 'cause once you know who loves you and wants all best for u in life not only they rejoice but they all grow and you create a team MD together you concord. Say it out loud just be more selected no need million followers” - Normalilia Kassabian
“Something's should've private. If everyone kept to themselves can you imagine how life would be. I look at in a positive way You can learn so much from others i.e. their experience and lifestyle. It's debatable whether to keep to yourself or share it” - Nisha Habibullah
“I keep to myself and I trust no one at all. I'm moving forward with my next chapter. I talk to God and God talks back to me. I'm blessed in so many ways..” - Jaycee Echeverria
“NOT REALLY....I made my marriage seem as if it were happy....and when we were getting a divorce nobody understood why....my relationship now is much of the same....EVERYONE THINKS we are happy....yet I'M NOT!” - Elisa Suarez
“The more you keep to yourself, the more people want to know. No one, enjoys contentment anymore. If it doesn't breed drama, conflict or chaos.. no one gives a care. Celebrating victories, seems to be left behind.” - Rhonda Mchenry
“In my experience there's just some things that big groups of people shouldn't know about. Keep your confidences to a few people.” - Cathy Sullivan
“Totally dissaggree!! Most problems in the world have evolved because of secrets, division, greed, power! A happy life is a free life, free from worry, jealousy, greed, power, etc, etc, etc!!!!!” - Martin Anthony
“Peoples wondering why I've been sad my whole life cause I've got everyone trying to butt into my private life...” - Sheenia Gray